Buyer Questionnaire Looking to buy in Colorado? Fill out the questionnaire below to get started! Don't want to fill out a survey? Connect with us directly for a personalized consultation today! Your Name Your Email Phone Number Preferred Contact Method Phone Call/Voicemail Text Email How long have you lived at your current home? Do you currently... Rent Own What is the total number of homes you've owned? Have you bought any real estate in Colorado? Are you able to buy another home without selling your current home? Yes No Would you like to buy first or sell first? Buy First Sell First What was your approach to searching for your last home when you bought it? Was that process effective for you? Would you have done anything differently if you could go back? What size and style home were you thinking? Why? What three home features can you not live without? Among all the benefits of buying a new home, which is the most important to you? Do any of the potential occupants of the home have specific requirements such as hobbies, school districts, pets, etc.? What's your ideal move-in date? Do we need to resolve anything before you buy a home? Will anyone else participate in the decision to buy? What is your envisioned price range? How did you decide on that amount? Will anyone provide financial support? Would you be financing a portion of the purchase, or paying in cash? Have you consulted with a lender if you plan to finance? Yes No Send < BACK TO FOR BUYERS